NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: LPO51A.EXE: LWP PRO 5.1 maintenance README FOR: LPO51A.EXE NOVELL PRODUCTS and VERSIONS: LAN WorkPlace Pro for Windows 95/NT 5.1 ABSTRACT: LPO51A.EXE is the first maintenance patch for the LAN WorkPlace Pro for Windows 95/NT and is recommended for all sites with LAN WorkPlace Pro for Windows 95/NT. Includes numerous fixes. ----------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ISSUE: Table of Contents 1 - INTRODUCTION / INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 2 - NEW THIS REVISION 2.1 - CMLWP32.DLL 2.2 - LWPACC32.DLL 2.3 - LWPLPR.DLL 2.4 - LWPNPP.DLL 2.5 - LWPUT32.DLL 2.6 - PRESEN32.EXE 2.7 - PRTGUI32.EXE 2.8 - RAPFLR32.EXE 2.9 - SRVFTP32.EXE 2.10- WFINGD32.EXE 3 - UPDATES FROM PREVIOUS REVISION(S) 4 - REMOVE PATCH 5 - RESTORE THE ORIGINAL FILES ----------------------------------------------------------- 1 - INTRODUCTION / INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1.1 - INTRODUCTION This document is formatted as a reference document. Rather than trying to read this entire document, use the Table of Contents to determine which sections to read in detail. Module versions are indicated at the beginning of each symptom below. In all cases, these fixes are the current (included) version of the given module. 1.2 - INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Install this patch by: - "Explode" the self-extracting into an empty directory, such as C:\tmp, by typing the name of the patch and pressing Enter. After that, install this patch by making the following selections: Start->Programs->Windows Explorer and then run setup.exe for this patch 1.3 - PATCH HISTORY LPO51A.EXE is the first maintenance patch for LAN WorkPlace Pro for Windows 95/NT 2 - NEW THIS REVISION 2.1 - CMLWP32.DLL 11/4/96 ( LPD Print Server ) Corrects the following problem: - Can't print more than one pages correctly 2.2 - LWPACC32.DLL 11/4/96 ( LPD Print Server ) Corrects the following problems: - Line in LWPPRO.INI file that points to access file is corrupted - Restrict by Username option does not work - Restrict by Hostname option does not work - Chinese Simplified - Enable the 'Access Restriction' will disable the remote accept print request 2.3 - LWPUT32.DLL 11/4/96 ( LPD Print Server ) Corrects the following problem: - Characters are not copied correctly when any blanks are inserted with ESC Sequence "[Pn@". 2.4 - PRTGUI32.EXE 11/4/96 ( LPD Print Server ) Corrects the following problems: - Jobs that were queued and printed are displayed in another queue after exitting and restarting LPD Print Server - LPD will GPF when selecting a printer with a long NDS name 2.5 - RAPFLR32.EXE 11/4/96 ( Rapid FTP ) Corrects the following problem: - Cannot set a file which name contains the character " " [space] in Search dialog-box 2.6 - SRVFTP32.EXE 11/4/96 ( Serving FTP ) Corrects the following problem: - Case is ignored and all characters are changed to lowercase during Rename. 2.7 - PRESEN32.EXE 11/4/96 ( Telnet Presenter ) Corrects the following problem: - Windows NT: The icon is located at an incorrect position 2.8 - LWPLPR.DLL 11/4/96 ( LPR Client Driver ) Corrects the following problem: - Data in conrtol file is in the wrong order 2.9 - LWPNPP.DLL 11/4/96 ( LPR Client Driver ) Corrects the following problem: - Data in conrtol file is in the wrong order 2.10- WFINGD32.EXE 11/4/96 ( Finger Daemon ) Corrects the following problem: - Finger Daemon deletes and saves NO text 3 - UPDATES FROM PREVIOUS REVISION(S) No update from previous revision as LPO51A.EXE is the first maintenance patch for the LAN WorkPlace Pro for Windows 95/NT. 4 - REMOVE PATCH To remove this patch after the installation, do the following: Make the following selections: Start->Settings->Control Panel->Add/Remove Programs -> LAN WorkPlace Pro Maintenance Patch and click on the Add/Remove button 5 - RESTORE THE ORIGINAL FILES File listed in 2.1 to 2.10 are renamed with exetention dl_ or ex_ accordingly. To restore the original files, manually rename those files back with extention dll or exe accordingly in the LAN WorkPlace Pro installation directory. Self-Extracting File Name: LPO51A.EXE Files Included Size Date Time ..\ LPO51A.TXT (This file) DATA.Z 512651 1-24-97 10:48:00 pm LPO51A.TXT 6399 1-24-97 11:06:20 pm SETUP.EXE 47616 2-19-96 1:18:54 am SETUP.INS 3706 1-24-97 10:20:48 pm UNINST.EXE 283648 1-9-96 6:38:54 pm _INST32I.EX_ 306748 2-19-96 1:33:06 am _ISDEL.EXE 8192 9-8-95 3:22:40 am _SETUP.DLL 10752 9-26-95 8:33:58 am _SETUP.LIB 43957 1-24-96 12:34:10 am Installation Instructions: Install this patch by: - "Explode" the self-extracting into an empty directory, such as C:\tmp, by typing the name of the patch and pressing Enter. After that, install this patch by making the following selections: Start->Programs->Windows Explorer and then run setup.exe for this patch ----------------------------------------------------------------- Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information. -----------------------------------------------------------------